‘‘Providing skilled volunteers, enabling essential communications to support Search & Rescue, Disaster relief and our community.’’
Who do we work with?
Our professional volunteers offer their specialist communications and technical skills free to the public in support of the search and rescue sector, civil defence, and other emergency services. This service runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the New Zealand Police, the Rescue Coordination Centre, and other lead agencies such as NEMA/CD and FENZ. AREC also provides communication and technical support to community and sporting events.
What’s in it for you?
As a member of AREC, you will be able to enjoy such benefits as local and national training, participation in SAR exercises and search operations. You will also enjoy the common interest and camaraderie of fellow AREC members, our newsletters, and meetings in your local district.
Once you join as a member, you will be issued with an identification card, and get access to AREC branded clothing. Most of all, you will be supporting people in distress, and in your community.
To join AREC, you must have, and maintain a financial membership with NZART. Talk to you local NZART Branch for contact details for local AREC Group Leader(s) or the AREC District Manager for further information about AREC in your area.
- Fill out an AREC application form, Tab through all field and proceed through all pages, including the confirmation of AREC Rules, and consent for Police Vetting
- Provide a PASSPORT SIZED photo to Administration or your District Manager
- Attend a local AREC Group meeting
- Administration will send you an AREC ID card, lanyard and pullcord
Please contact admin@arec.site if you have any queries, or need assistance making contact with local AREC Groups – available and more than happy to help.