
SARTrack Limited provides software to enable tracking of search teams and other resources via radio. With the addition to the software to facilitate use in incident management, the package is becoming popular in New Zealand for managing land based search and rescue operations by LandSAR and AREC.

The company web site is here the SARTrack Limited

Read about the use of SARTrack at the Southern SAREX 2016 on Stewart Island Southern SAREX Operation BIG GLORY Report Nov 2016 AREC members present were Nick McEvoy ZL4NB, Daniel Erickson ZL4DE, Mike Bailey ZL4OM, and others.

SARTrack SAREX March 2016, image provided by Rowena ZL2ROW

SARTrack SAREX March 2016, image provided by Rowena ZL2ROW

Click here for an AREC quick start guide to SARTrack for Tait radios